ZD-HS Acid Corrosion Inhibitor

Acidizing Additives
ZD-HS Acid Corrosion Inhibitor

This product is composed of compound pyridine quaternary ammonium salt and other components.This product has a variety of models, corresponding to different temperatures.It has the advantages of good acid solubility, low damage to core permeability, low product viscosity, no irritating odor, no crystallization at low temperature, easy to use on site, etc.It can be used for acidizing of concentrated hydrochloric acid and mud acid. The corrosion principle of this product is that the agent adsorbed on the metal surface by multiple polar groups and complexed to form a dense multi-molecular complex adsorption film, mainly to inhibit the cathode process, but also to inhibit the anode process.


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-1_0000_酸化缓蚀剂新  (131)
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-1_0001_酸化缓蚀剂新  (124)
-1_0000_酸化缓蚀剂新  (131)

Product Details

AppearanceReddish brown uniform liquid
Dissolution DispersityHydrochloric acid is soluble at room temperature
and forms a transparent solution.
Corrosion rate,(2%+15%
hcl@n-80@120 ℃@4hrs)
≤20g/m² ·h


Add it directly to the acid solution. 


1. Packing with 200L iron or plastic drum. 

2. Store in cool place. Prevent collision during transportation. 

3. Shelf life: Two years.

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