ZD-CH Clay Stabilizer

Acidizing Additives
ZD-CH Clay Stabilizer

The product is composed of organic cationic polymer with small molecular weight and a variety of additives. The macromolecule organic cationic polymer molecular chain section contains multiple cationic groups. It can be strongly adsorbed to clay exchange points in the form of networks, and can be adsorbed on the clay surface by intermolecular force and hydrogen bond force. It can obviously prevent the damage to hydrocarbon reservoir caused by hydration expansion and dispersion migration of water-sensitive minerals in low permeability reservoir. The product has the characteristics of wide application range, simple usage, small dosage, acid resistance, salt solution and oil and water scour, etc. It is widely used for water injection in low permeability water sensitive reservoir to prevent swelling and active water, perforating fluid, fracturing fluid, acidizing fluid and other working fluids into well to prevent swelling.


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Product Details

AppearanceUniform liquid
PH(5%water solution)5.0-8.0
Antiswelling Rate,%≥90
Organochlorine Content,%0.0 

Product Usage 

It is mainly added in working fluid such as injected water, active water, perforating fluid, acidizing fluid and so on. 

Dosage and usage method 

The dosage of this product is 1-2%. Users can also determine the dosage according to their needs. 

According to the designed dosage of clay stabilizer, slowly add the product In the stirring process. It can be used after stirring evenly.

Packing, storage and transportation 

Packed in plastic drums, the net weight is 200 ㎏. Store in a cool, dry place, valid for two years. This product is not dangerous goods, transportation as a general liquid treatment.

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