Separant ZD-SPR

Oil and Gas Production Additives
Separant ZD-SPR

This separant can effectively replace drilling fluid and prevent mixing between cement slurry and drilling fluid. It has good compatibility with almost all types of drilling fluid systems and cement slurry additives.


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-2_0002_隔离剂新 (3)
-2_0001_隔离剂新 (5)
-2_0002_隔离剂新 (3)
-2_0001_隔离剂新 (5)

Product Details

AppearanceEarthy yellow or grey powder
0.9mm screen residue≤10
Water content,%≤2.0

Packaging and Storage 

This product is packaged in a three in one bag, lined with a thin film bag, with a net weight of 25kg per bag; Store in a cool, dry, and well ventilated place. 

Safety Attentions 

Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing, otherwise rinse with plenty of water. Please refer to the Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for handling methods and hazardous data.

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